Room Service




Simply download our App, choose your favorite brands and checkout in few taps. Order & TrackingSelect your items from our menu. Choose the convenient tracking method, get notified on your order status and have it delivered to your doorstep within few steps.Online or Cash Payment methodsAdd your details to your profile on our App for order processing, Choose cash upon delivery or online payments or contactless payment link for easy and secure checkout.Delivery & Schedule Want to order bulk and to be delivered at your home/office? You will find an easy feature to schedule your delivery and receive at your doorstep.This App is designed for your convenient shopping experience, you will find in here.Exclusive DealsHot DealsSpecial OffersSeasonal Promotions Gifts & Cash backWe have categories that will fill your bucket in just a few taps.Water, Beverages, Snacks & Candy, Coffee & Tea, Beauty & Personal Care, Baby Care, Pet Care, and Health & Beauty Appliances. WRITE US: we’d love to hear your valuable [email protected] US: to explore